by bryan kelly | Oct 14, 2020
#RoJo’s October surprise, a pumpkin-spice #NothingBurger! Northwoods Judge overturns Evers’ bar limitations-Let them drink brandy-old fashions. Evers asks Republicans where’s their plan. Amy Coney Barret-Day 3. Your calls and texts all day 844-967-2789! ...
by bryan kelly | Oct 14, 2020
#RoJo’s October surprise, a pumpkin-spice #NothingBurger! Northwoods Judge overturns Evers’ bar limitations-Let them drink brandy-old fashions. Evers asks Republicans where’s their plan. Amy Coney Barret-Day 3. Your calls and texts all day 844-967-2789! ...
by bryan kelly | Oct 14, 2020
#RoJo’s October surprise, a pumpkin-spice #NothingBurger! Northwoods Judge overturns Evers’ bar limitations-Let them drink brandy-old fashions. Evers asks Republicans where’s their plan. Amy Coney Barret-Day 3. Your calls and texts all day 844-967-2789! ...
by bryan kelly | Aug 19, 2020
Happy Wednesday! LIVE #DNCConvention Devil’s lineup: @TomPerez at 3:30, James Santelle in the Happy hour at 5:00 on the Republican-led Senate Intelligence Committee latest release.. #YesCollusion! TALK 92.7 FM Talk 101.7 FM-Milwaukee NewsTalk 1510 AM...
by bryan kelly | Aug 19, 2020
Happy Wednesday! LIVE #DNCConvention Devil’s lineup: @TomPerez at 3:30, James Santelle in the Happy hour at 5:00 on the Republican-led Senate Intelligence Committee latest release.. #YesCollusion! TALK 92.7 FM Talk 101.7 FM-Milwaukee NewsTalk 1510 AM...