by bryan kelly | May 13, 2021
CDC says All Masks are Off, (if you’re vaccinated!) Ohio proposes a Covid Vaccination Lottery. What would it take to convince a Trumpster to get vaccinated?!? Bill Press, Podcaster and Pundit, joins the political party at 3:05. #Vegas Joe Zepecki at 4:05. Your calls...
by bryan kelly | May 13, 2021
CDC says All Masks are Off, (if you’re vaccinated!) Ohio proposes a Covid Vaccination Lottery. What would it take to convince a Trumpster to get vaccinated?!? Bill Press, Podcaster and Pundit, joins the political party at 3:05. #Vegas Joe Zepecki at 4:05. Your calls...
by bryan kelly | May 13, 2021
Bill questions the Republican strategy of looking backwards. Interviews 5-13-21 – Bill Press – Talk Radio Host, Liberal Pundit, and Author Play Episode Pause Episode Mute/Unmute Episode Rewind 10 Seconds 1x Fast Forward 30 seconds 00:00 / 19:48 Subscribe...
by bryan kelly | May 13, 2021
CDC says All Masks are Off, (if you’re vaccinated!) Ohio proposes a Covid Vaccination Lottery. What would it take to convince a Trumpster to get vaccinated?!? Bill Press, Podcaster and Pundit, joins the political party at 3:05. #Vegas Joe Zepecki at 4:05. Your calls...
by bryan kelly | Feb 12, 2021
#TGImpeachment2.0Friday-The Defense of Donald J. Trump! #LawAndOrder Edition Live Impeachment, then your Friday #Grievances! #Batman at 4:30, Matt Rothschild, Executive Director of the Wisconsin Democracy Campaign. Your calls and texts welcome at 844-967-2789! Show...