by bryan kelly | Jul 22, 2020
Happy Hump Day! Trump probably committed another Impeachable offense, although it may only be the 10-20 worst thing he has done… The ‘Rona is spiking in bright Red Waukesha, WI (damn Dem hoaxes!) Is there any safe way to re-open the schools? Your calls and texts All...
by bryan kelly | Jul 22, 2020
Happy Hump Day! Trump probably committed another Impeachable offense, although it may only be the 10-20 worst thing he has done… The ‘Rona is spiking in bright Red Waukesha, WI (damn Dem hoaxes!) Is there any safe way to re-open the schools? Your calls and texts All...
by bryan kelly | Jul 22, 2020
Happy Hump Day! Trump probably committed another Impeachable offense, although it may only be the 10-20 worst thing he has done… The ‘Rona is spiking in bright Red Waukesha, WI (damn Dem hoaxes!) Is there any safe way to re-open the schools? Your calls and texts All...