by bryan kelly | Nov 20, 2018
Happy Tuesday! #lockherup! Will daddy @realdonaldtrump fire, prosecute his beloved Ivanka for using her private email for government business? Also Jay Heck, Executive Director @commoncause on @wisgop #lameducksession. Oh, and hack @wisdoj Schimel appointed to be hack...
by bryan kelly | Nov 20, 2018
Happy Tuesday! #lockherup! Will daddy @realdonaldtrump fire, prosecute his beloved Ivanka for using her private email for government business? Also Jay Heck, Executive Director @commoncause on @wisgop #lameducksession. Oh, and hack @wisdoj Schimel appointed to be hack...
by bryan kelly | Nov 20, 2018
Happy Tuesday! #lockherup! Will daddy @realdonaldtrump fire, prosecute his beloved Ivanka for using her private email for government business? Also Jay Heck, Executive Director @commoncause on @wisgop #lameducksession. Oh, and hack @wisdoj Schimel appointed to be hack...
by bryan kelly | Oct 11, 2018
#Trump has Kayne West (and football legend James Brown) over to the White House for lunch and ranting, just another day in ‘Merica! Former U.S. Attorney James Santelle updates #MuellerTime sentencing, and helps sort out the new #KavanaughInvestigation at 3:30....
by bryan kelly | Oct 11, 2018
#Trump has Kayne West (and football legend James Brown) over to the White House for lunch and ranting, just another day in ‘Merica! Former U.S. Attorney James Santelle updates #MuellerTime sentencing, and helps sort out the new #KavanaughInvestigation at 3:30....