by bryan kelly | Nov 18, 2020
Happy Hump Day! Covid numbers are still getting worse. Trump tries to recount specifically Dane and Milwaukee counties. Mark Thomsen explains how the rules the Republicans used in 2016 are being applied differently by those same Republicans today. Greg Palast weighs...
by bryan kelly | Nov 18, 2020
Happy Hump Day! Covid numbers are still getting worse. Trump tries to recount specifically Dane and Milwaukee counties. Mark Thomsen explains how the rules the Republicans used in 2016 are being applied differently by those same Republicans today. Greg Palast weighs...
by bryan kelly | Nov 18, 2020
Happy Hump Day! Covid numbers are still getting worse. Trump tries to recount specifically Dane and Milwaukee counties. Mark Thomsen explains how the rules the Republicans used in 2016 are being applied differently by those same Republicans today. Greg Palast weighs...
by bryan kelly | Nov 18, 2020
Greg Palast weighs in on Trump’s recount and illuminates the Republican voter suppression efforts going back a decade or more. Interviews 11-18-20 – Greg Palast, Investigative Reporter Play Episode Pause Episode Mute/Unmute Episode...
by bryan kelly | Nov 18, 2020
Happy Hump Day! Covid numbers are still getting worse. Trump tries to recount specifically Dane and Milwaukee counties. Mark Thomsen explains how the rules the Republicans used in 2016 are being applied differently by those same Republicans today. Greg Palast weighs...