9-17-18 – The Devil’s Advocates – Hour 1

Happy Monday! Kavanaugh accuser comes forward, he says he wasn’t at the party. Sen. Collins says they shoujld testify. Trump Jr. mocks assault allegation in on Instagram. @sarahpearr @womensmarchwi joins us at 3:30. @govwalker, @tony4wi have different visions...

9-11-18 – The Devil’s Advocates – Hour 3

Happy Tuesday! @realdonaldtrump honored #911Day, the fallen today by…attacking the FBI & DOJ. Hurricane Florence is due Friday, Trump says “Totally prepared!” Like @puertorico and @USVI? Update on where @govwalker is today, and your calls toll...

9-11-18 – The Devil’s Advocates – Hour 2

Happy Tuesday! @realdonaldtrump honored #911Day, the fallen today by…attacking the FBI & DOJ. Hurricane Florence is due Friday, Trump says “Totally prepared!” Like @puertorico and @USVI? Update on where @govwalker is today, and your calls toll...

9-11-18 – The Devil’s Advocates – Hour 1

Happy Tuesday! @realdonaldtrump honored #911Day, the fallen today by…attacking the FBI & DOJ. Hurricane Florence is due Friday, Trump says “Totally prepared!” Like @puertorico and @USVI? Update on where @govwalker is today, and your calls toll...

3 20 18 – The Devil’s Advocates – Hour 3

#Trump congratulates #Putin (#Crute so called this!) @RepMarkPocan joins the Devil’s from D.C. at 3:30. We will go around the horn with a #TrumpPornStar update. #CambridgeAnalytica suspends it’s CEO, was it the Ukrainian hookers? Your calls 844-967-2789!...