by bryan kelly | May 1, 2020
#CaseClosed #UncleJoe went on #MorningJoe and said “Never happened.” Biden supporter, Matt Flynn-Direct, from the top. Former U.S. Attorney James Santelle talks Michael Flynn at 4:05 Christine Nuemann-Ortiz at 5:05, Gordie Kopke at 5:20 and Maggie Daun at...
by bryan kelly | May 1, 2020
#CaseClosed #UncleJoe went on #MorningJoe and said “Never happened.” Biden supporter, Matt Flynn-Direct, from the top. Former U.S. Attorney James Santelle talks Michael Flynn at 4:05 Christine Nuemann-Ortiz at 5:05, Gordie Kopke at 5:20 and Maggie Daun at...
by bryan kelly | May 1, 2020
Jim discusses how Michael Flynn alleges he was forced to perjure himself. Expert Opinions 5-1-20 – James Santelle, former US Attorney – Eastern Dist of WI Play Episode Pause Episode Mute/Unmute Episode Rewind 10 Seconds 1x Fast Forward 30...
by bryan kelly | May 1, 2020
#CaseClosed #UncleJoe went on #MorningJoe and said “Never happened.” Biden supporter, Matt Flynn-Direct, from the top. Former U.S. Attorney James Santelle talks Michael Flynn at 4:05 Christine Nuemann-Ortiz at 5:05, Gordie Kopke at 5:20 and Maggie Daun at...