by bryan kelly | Nov 16, 2020
Devil’s Advocates-Divide and Conquer Edition, now airing 2-6 pm CT! New Covid numbers from Wisconsin, and #WI Supreme Court oral hearings on over-ruling Tony Evers’ #MaskMandate… Mitch McConnell intends to force another Trump appointee on the Fed, over the objections...
by bryan kelly | Nov 16, 2020
Francesca makes her first post-election appearance with the Devils, showing why she’s a rising star in the Democratic Party, Interviews 11-16-20 – State Rep. Francesca Hong – WI 76th AD Play Episode Pause Episode Mute/Unmute Episode Rewind 10 Seconds 1x Fast...
by bryan kelly | Nov 16, 2020
Devil’s Advocates-Divide and Conquer Edition, now airing 2-6 pm CT! New Covid numbers from Wisconsin, and #WI Supreme Court oral hearings on over-ruling Tony Evers’ #MaskMandate… Mitch McConnell intends to force another Trump appointee on the Fed, over the objections...
by bryan kelly | Nov 16, 2020
Devil’s Advocates-Divide and Conquer Edition, now airing 2-6 pm CT! New Covid numbers from Wisconsin, and #WI Supreme Court oral hearings on over-ruling Tony Evers’ #MaskMandate… Mitch McConnell intends to force another Trump appointee on the Fed, over the objections...
by bryan kelly | Nov 16, 2020
Devil’s Advocates-Divide and Conquer Edition, now airing 2-6 pm CT! New Covid numbers from Wisconsin, and #WI Supreme Court oral hearings on over-ruling Tony Evers’ #MaskMandate… Mitch McConnell intends to force another Trump appointee on the Fed, over the objections...