by bryan kelly | May 14, 2020
Welcome to the ‘You Gotta Fight for Your Right to Party Wisconsin Edition’ of the Devil’s Advocates Radio Show! As the #WI Supreme Court practices some #JudicialActivism and throws the State into #Chaos, Republicans go running to the bar… #WI Attorney...
by bryan kelly | May 14, 2020
The WI Supreme Court struck down the governor’s Safer At Home order, but Dane County remains closed. This poses an interesting position for the county executive. Interviews 5-14-20 – Joe Parisi – Dane County Executive Play Episode...
by bryan kelly | May 14, 2020
Welcome to the ‘You Gotta Fight for Your Right to Party Wisconsin Edition’ of the Devil’s Advocates Radio Show! As the #WI Supreme Court practices some #JudicialActivism and throws the State into #Chaos, Republicans go running to the bar… #WI Attorney...
by bryan kelly | May 14, 2020
Welcome to the ‘You Gotta Fight for Your Right to Party Wisconsin Edition’ of the Devil’s Advocates Radio Show! As the #WI Supreme Court practices some #JudicialActivism and throws the State into #Chaos, Republicans go running to the bar… #WI Attorney...