by bryan kelly | Jan 16, 2018
State Rep Joel Kleefish joins the Devils from the capital to talk about Lincoln Hills and Governor Walkers sudden reversal. Interviews 1 16 18 - State Rep Joel Kleefish Play Episode Pause Episode Mute/Unmute Episode Rewind 10 Seconds 1x...
by bryan kelly | Jan 16, 2018
C’mon guys Trump said #ShitHouse NOT #ShitHole! Devil’s take you LIVE to a #DNC news conference with Sen. Elizabeth Warren and Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand at 2:30. #WI Minority Leader D-Rep Gordon Hintz and we will introduce Chris Rahlf D- #WI AD 60 in the 4...
by bryan kelly | Jan 16, 2018
C’mon guys Trump said #ShitHouse NOT #ShitHole! Devil’s take you LIVE to a #DNC news conference with Sen. Elizabeth Warren and Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand at 2:30. #WI Minority Leader D-Rep Gordon Hintz and we will introduce Chris Rahlf D- #WI AD 60 in the 4...
by bryan kelly | Jan 16, 2018
C’mon guys Trump said #ShitHouse NOT #ShitHole! Devil’s take you LIVE to a #DNC news conference with Sen. Elizabeth Warren and Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand at 2:30. #WI Minority Leader D-Rep Gordon Hintz and we will introduce Chris Rahlf D- #WI AD 60 in the 4...