by bryan kelly | Jun 26, 2020
Thank God It’s Friday, and the Devil’s Advocates air grievances! A Hannity/Trump-Green Bay Town Hall recap (in case you forgot to watch the #crazy). Aging rocker’s Sammy Hagar and Kid Rock going ALL IN on denying the ‘Rona… WI Congressman, Glenn Grothman, thinks Black...
by bryan kelly | Jun 26, 2020
Thank God It’s Friday, and the Devil’s Advocates air grievances! A Hannity/Trump-Green Bay Town Hall recap (in case you forgot to watch the #crazy). Aging rocker’s Sammy Hagar and Kid Rock going ALL IN on denying the ‘Rona… WI Congressman, Glenn Grothman, thinks Black...
by bryan kelly | Jun 26, 2020
Thank God It’s Friday, and the Devil’s Advocates air grievances! A Hannity/Trump-Green Bay Town Hall recap (in case you forgot to watch the #crazy). Aging rocker’s Sammy Hagar and Kid Rock going ALL IN on denying the ‘Rona… WI Congressman, Glenn Grothman, thinks Black...
by bryan kelly | Jun 24, 2020
Alan gives the inside story on the arrest of Yeshua Mosa, which triggered lots of unrest in Madison overnight. Interviews 6-24-20 – Alan Robinson, Host – WisCannabis Radio Play Episode Pause Episode Mute/Unmute Episode Rewind 10 Seconds 1x Fast Forward 30 seconds...
by bryan kelly | Jun 24, 2020
A violent arrest of a black man in Madison, leads to protests, the toppling of two statues, and the cold-cocking of WI State Sen. Tim Carpenter. Activist and WisCannabis Radio host, Alan Robinson, joins the conversation at 3:30. New Marquette polling shows that Joe...