by bryan kelly | Dec 28, 2020
Merry Monday! 23 Days and a wake-up…. Trump signs the #Stimulus after negotiations with himself broke down…$600 Merry New Year?! Gov Tony Evers proposes legalizing marijuana and hopes Mandela sticks around for a Second Term? Your calls and texts are welcome at...
by bryan kelly | Dec 28, 2020
Merry Monday! 23 Days and a wake-up…. Trump signs the #Stimulus after negotiations with himself broke down…$600 Merry New Year?! Gov Tony Evers proposes legalizing marijuana and hopes Mandela sticks around for a Second Term? Your calls and texts are welcome at...
by bryan kelly | Dec 28, 2020
Merry Monday! 23 Days and a wake-up…. Trump signs the #Stimulus after negotiations with himself broke down…$600 Merry New Year?! Gov Tony Evers proposes legalizing marijuana and hopes Mandela sticks around for a Second Term? Your calls and texts are welcome at...