by bryan kelly | Oct 29, 2021
Jeff represents a client who is suing Scarlett Johnson for defamation when she spread lies about the organization Bridge the Divide. Expert Opinions 10-29-21 – Jeff Scott Olson, Civil Rights Attorney Play Episode Pause Episode Mute/Unmute...
by bryan kelly | Oct 29, 2021
#FreakyFriday Edition! #FDA authorizes Covid vaccines for kids, shots next week! Odds on Aaron Rodgers Halloween Costume. Attorney Jeff Scott Olson drops a lawsuit in the Mequon-Thiensville Recall race at 3:30. U.S. Senate candidate, Tom Nelson, co-Devil’s the happy...
by bryan kelly | Oct 29, 2021
#FreakyFriday Edition! #FDA authorizes Covid vaccines for kids, shots next week! Odds on Aaron Rodgers Halloween Costume. Attorney Jeff Scott Olson drops a lawsuit in the Mequon-Thiensville Recall race at 3:30. U.S. Senate candidate, Tom Nelson, co-Devil’s the happy...
by bryan kelly | Nov 10, 2020
One week after Election Day, Republicans battle against Math, Democracy, and reality! #RoJo hasn’t yet congratulated Joe Biden, because “voting irregularities!” R-Joe San Fillipo says maybe Wisconsin’s votes should be null and void…does Joe not trust the outcome...
by bryan kelly | Nov 10, 2020
One week after Election Day, Republicans battle against Math, Democracy, and reality! #RoJo hasn’t yet congratulated Joe Biden, because “voting irregularities!” R-Joe San Fillipo says maybe Wisconsin’s votes should be null and void…does Joe not trust the outcome...