by bryan kelly | Jun 23, 2020
Trump and Hannity to do a Green Bay Town Hall Thursday… Mike Pence is on the ground in Waukesha County today, it’s already game on in #BattleGround Wisconsin! #Vegas Joe Zepecki lends his voice to the panel at 3:30. Roger Stone got the #SpecialProsecutorialSauce...
by bryan kelly | Jun 23, 2020
Trump and Hannity to do a Green Bay Town Hall Thursday… Mike Pence is on the ground in Waukesha County today, it’s already game on in #BattleGround Wisconsin! #Vegas Joe Zepecki lends his voice to the panel at 3:30. Roger Stone got the #SpecialProsecutorialSauce...
by bryan kelly | Jun 23, 2020
Trump and Hannity to do a Green Bay Town Hall Thursday… Mike Pence is on the ground in Waukesha County today, it’s already game on in #BattleGround Wisconsin! #Vegas Joe Zepecki lends his voice to the panel at 3:30. Roger Stone got the #SpecialProsecutorialSauce...