1-4-19 – The Devil’s Advocates – Hour 3

Happy Friday! The #numberoftheday is 3! @govwalker will only be @scottwalker in 3 days! But he doesn’t rule out another run for Gov? Aw HELL NO! And the Solidarity Sing Along didn’t intimidate him? Why the unconstitutional...

1-4-19 – The Devil’s Advocates – Hour 2

Happy Friday! The #numberoftheday is 3! @govwalker will only be @scottwalker in 3 days! But he doesn’t rule out another run for Gov? Aw HELL NO! And the Solidarity Sing Along didn’t intimidate him? Why the unconstitutional...

1-4-19 – The Devil’s Advocates – Hour 1

Happy Friday! The #numberoftheday is 3! @govwalker will only be @scottwalker in 3 days! But he doesn’t rule out another run for Gov? Aw HELL NO! And the Solidarity Sing Along didn’t intimidate him? Why the unconstitutional...