by bryan kelly | Jun 5, 2020
Join Guest host Maggie Daun of Daun of the Resistance and her guest co-host Tom Palzewicz! Also on the show special interviews with Anne E. Schwartz, Public Relations Manager for the Milwaukee Police Department AND Milwaukee County Sheriff Earnell Lucas will take...
by bryan kelly | Jun 5, 2020
Join Guest host Maggie Daun of Daun of the Resistance and her guest co-host Tom Palzewicz! Also on the show special interviews with Anne E. Schwartz, Public Relations Manager for the Milwaukee Police Department AND Milwaukee County Sheriff Earnell Lucas will take...
by bryan kelly | Jun 5, 2020
Join Guest host Maggie Daun of Daun of the Resistance and her guest co-host Tom Palzewicz! Also on the show special interviews with Anne E. Schwartz, Public Relations Manager for the Milwaukee Police Department AND Milwaukee County Sheriff Earnell Lucas will take...
by bryan kelly | Oct 5, 2018
Happy Friday! Things are looking good for Biff Kavanaugh after his op-ed. @realdonaldtrump says those against are paid protesters. @repgwenmoore calls for investigation into @wisdot. #trade deficit widens under #artofthedeal Air your grievances! Your calls at...
by bryan kelly | Oct 5, 2018
Sarah Pearson joins the Devils from outside the Capitol Building in DC to give the mood on the ground amid Kavanaugh protests. Expert Opinions 10-5-18 - Sarah Pearson, Co-Founder & Co-Chair - Women's March WI Play Episode Pause...