by bryan kelly | Feb 17, 2021
Joe Biden coming to town, Election Day-Tuesday Edition of the Devil’s Advocates! Trump is being sued in Civil Court, for inciting a riot! Jeff Mandell, Founder, President and Lead Counsel – Law Forward joins the party at 2:30. Former Republican Senator Dale Schultz...
by bryan kelly | Feb 17, 2021
Joe Biden coming to town, Election Day-Tuesday Edition of the Devil’s Advocates! Trump is being sued in Civil Court, for inciting a riot! Jeff Mandell, Founder, President and Lead Counsel – Law Forward joins the party at 2:30. Former Republican Senator Dale Schultz...
by bryan kelly | Feb 17, 2021
Joe Biden coming to town, Election Day-Tuesday Edition of the Devil’s Advocates! Trump is being sued in Civil Court, for inciting a riot! Jeff Mandell, Founder, President and Lead Counsel – Law Forward joins the party at 2:30. Former Republican Senator Dale Schultz...