3-5-21 – The Devil’s Advocates – Hour 3

#TGIF! Time for the airing of the grievances. The Senate Democrats stuck it to Ron Johnson overnight (with an assist from Senator Tammy Baldwin), as #RoJo made them read the entire Covid-19 Stimulus Bill, the Dems cut debate by 17 hours…with NO Republicans left...

3-5-21 – The Devil’s Advocates – Hour 2

#TGIF! Time for the airing of the grievances. The Senate Democrats stuck it to Ron Johnson overnight (with an assist from Senator Tammy Baldwin), as #RoJo made them read the entire Covid-19 Stimulus Bill, the Dems cut debate by 17 hours…with NO Republicans left...

3-5-21 – The Devil’s Advocates – Hour 1

#TGIF! Time for the airing of the grievances. The Senate Democrats stuck it to Ron Johnson overnight (with an assist from Senator Tammy Baldwin), as #RoJo made them read the entire Covid-19 Stimulus Bill, the Dems cut debate by 17 hours…with NO Republicans left...