by bryan kelly | Oct 9, 2020
Wisconsin #TerroristMilitia members charged with intent to kidnap Michigan Governor Gretchen Whittmer and bring her to Cambria to stand trial for #Treason. BREAKING-Federal Appeals Court overrules Conley, #WI Absentee Ballots MUST be back by Election Day, (#crute told...
by bryan kelly | Oct 8, 2020
Wisconsin #TerroristMilitia members charged with intent to kidnap Michigan Governor Gretchen Whittmer and bring her to Cambria to stand trial for #Treason. BREAKING-Federal Appeals Court overrules Conley, #WI Absentee Ballots MUST be back by Election Day, (#crute told...
by bryan kelly | Oct 8, 2020
Wisconsin #TerroristMilitia members charged with intent to kidnap Michigan Governor Gretchen Whittmer and bring her to Cambria to stand trial for #Treason. BREAKING-Federal Appeals Court overrules Conley, #WI Absentee Ballots MUST be back by Election Day, (#crute told...
by bryan kelly | Dec 20, 2018
Is it Friday yet? #Wisconsin’s Senator Scott Fitzgerald doesn’t see any demand for legalization of #cannabis. What about the referendum? Last month? When @wisgop, @govwalker lost all statewide races? Remember that? Put down the bottle...
by bryan kelly | Dec 20, 2018
Is it Friday yet? #Wisconsin’s Senator Scott Fitzgerald doesn’t see any demand for legalization of #cannabis. What about the referendum? Last month? When @wisgop, @govwalker lost all statewide races? Remember that? Put down the bottle...