by bryan kelly | May 7, 2020
Donald Trump is cleaning up the books-Corleone Style! DOJ drops charges POST-conviction against Michael Flynn. Wisconsin Republicans inaction cost taxpayers $25 million dollar$… David Alphonso, President, Human Rights Campaign 4:06 Brendan Fischer, Campaign...
by bryan kelly | May 7, 2020
Donald Trump is cleaning up the books-Corleone Style! DOJ drops charges POST-conviction against Michael Flynn. Wisconsin Republicans inaction cost taxpayers $25 million dollar$… David Alphonso, President, Human Rights Campaign 4:06 Brendan Fischer, Campaign...
by bryan kelly | May 7, 2020
The HRC has endorsed Joe Biden after a fireside chat of sorts and Alphonso details how they arrived at the decision. Expert Opinions 5-7-20 – Alphonso David, President – Human Rights Campaign Play Episode Pause Episode Mute/Unmute Episode...
by bryan kelly | May 7, 2020
Donald Trump is cleaning up the books-Corleone Style! DOJ drops charges POST-conviction against Michael Flynn. Wisconsin Republicans inaction cost taxpayers $25 million dollar$… David Alphonso, President, Human Rights Campaign 4:06 Brendan Fischer, Campaign...