by bryan kelly | Oct 9, 2020
#TGIF! Biden and Harris do a joint event, we will bring you the sound. Nancy Pelosi talks about the 25th Amendment. Christine Neuman Ortiz, Voces De La Fronteria Action, joins us at 3:30 to discuss their endorsement of Biden/Harris, the VP Debate, and GOTV. Trump runs...
by bryan kelly | Oct 9, 2020
Voces de la Frontera Action has endorse the Democratic Ticket, Mario explains how they came to that decision. Expert Opinions 10-9-20 – Mario Garcia – Voces de la Frontera Action Play Episode Pause Episode Mute/Unmute Episode Rewind 10...
by bryan kelly | Oct 9, 2020
#TGIF! Biden and Harris do a joint event, we will bring you the sound. Nancy Pelosi talks about the 25th Amendment. Christine Neuman Ortiz, Voces De La Fronteria Action, joins us at 3:30 to discuss their endorsement of Biden/Harris, the VP Debate, and GOTV. Trump runs...
by bryan kelly | Oct 9, 2020
#TGIF! Biden and Harris do a joint event, we will bring you the sound. Nancy Pelosi talks about the 25th Amendment. Christine Neuman Ortiz, Voces De La Fronteria Action, joins us at 3:30 to discuss their endorsement of Biden/Harris, the VP Debate, and GOTV. Trump runs...
by bryan kelly | May 1, 2020
#CaseClosed #UncleJoe went on #MorningJoe and said “Never happened.” Biden supporter, Matt Flynn-Direct, from the top. Former U.S. Attorney James Santelle talks Michael Flynn at 4:05 Christine Nuemann-Ortiz at 5:05, Gordie Kopke at 5:20 and Maggie Daun at...