by bryan kelly | Oct 16, 2018
Happy Tuesday! @realdonaldtrump grip on Midwest illusory? The more you tighten your grip, the more slip through your fingers! And he exchanges pleasantries with @stormydaniels. Speaking of, how nasty can/should the political discord get? at 3:30, @repmarkpocan joins...
by bryan kelly | Oct 16, 2018
Happy Tuesday! @realdonaldtrump grip on Midwest illusory? The more you tighten your grip, the more slip through your fingers! And he exchanges pleasantries with @stormydaniels. Speaking of, how nasty can/should the political discord get? at 3:30, @repmarkpocan joins...
by bryan kelly | Oct 16, 2018
Happy Tuesday! @realdonaldtrump grip on Midwest illusory? The more you tighten your grip, the more slip through your fingers! And he exchanges pleasantries with @stormydaniels. Speaking of, how nasty can/should the political discord get? at 3:30, @repmarkpocan joins...