by bryan kelly | Nov 20, 2017
#Trump ready to “lock them up”, we should have left the #UCLA players in jail! Careful Donald, you might join them there soon… #Dom went on a field trip to see Rep Gwen Moore, #CitizenActionWI Robert Kraig talks tax cuts for the rich at 3:05. Karen...
by bryan kelly | Nov 20, 2017
Karen McKim joins the Devils to talk about voter miscounts. She outlines several incidents where votes were not counted in recent elections and what we can do to fix it. Local election officials don’t seem to like to account for inaccuracies. Hmm… ...
by bryan kelly | Nov 20, 2017
#Trump ready to “lock them up”, we should have left the #UCLA players in jail! Careful Donald, you might join them there soon… #Dom went on a field trip to see Rep Gwen Moore, #CitizenActionWI Robert Kraig talks tax cuts for the rich at 3:05. Karen...
by bryan kelly | Nov 20, 2017
#Trump ready to “lock them up”, we should have left the #UCLA players in jail! Careful Donald, you might join them there soon… #Dom went on a field trip to see Rep Gwen Moore, #CitizenActionWI Robert Kraig talks tax cuts for the rich at 3:05. Karen...