by bryan kelly | Jun 30, 2020
Welcome to the #Trump, whatever you’re doing, it ain’t working, edition of the Devil’s Advocates! Joe Biden Trolls the #POTUS… Why won’t Trump just wear a mask?!? #WI Republicans get a friendly decision from the 7th Circuit, Citizen Action’s-Robert Kraig, tells...
by bryan kelly | Jun 30, 2020
Welcome to the #Trump, whatever you’re doing, it ain’t working, edition of the Devil’s Advocates! Joe Biden Trolls the #POTUS… Why won’t Trump just wear a mask?!? #WI Republicans get a friendly decision from the 7th Circuit, Citizen Action’s-Robert Kraig, tells...
by bryan kelly | Jun 30, 2020
Welcome to the #Trump, whatever you’re doing, it ain’t working, edition of the Devil’s Advocates! Joe Biden Trolls the #POTUS… Why won’t Trump just wear a mask?!? #WI Republicans get a friendly decision from the 7th Circuit, Citizen Action’s-Robert Kraig, tells...