by bryan kelly | Oct 6, 2021
Republicans are playing Russian Roulette with the Debt Limit. McConnell’s got a deal Dem’s can’t resist… Buck’s Executive, and U.S. Senatorial candidate, Alex Lasry at 4:30 CT. Are you a conspiracy theorist? Your calls or texts 844-967-2789! Show Podcasts...
by bryan kelly | Oct 6, 2021
Republicans are playing Russian Roulette with the Debt Limit. McConnell’s got a deal Dem’s can’t resist… Buck’s Executive, and U.S. Senatorial candidate, Alex Lasry at 4:30 CT. Are you a conspiracy theorist? Your calls or texts 844-967-2789! Show Podcasts...
by bryan kelly | Oct 6, 2021
Republicans are playing Russian Roulette with the Debt Limit. McConnell’s got a deal Dem’s can’t resist… Buck’s Executive, and U.S. Senatorial candidate, Alex Lasry at 4:30 CT. Are you a conspiracy theorist? Your calls or texts...
by bryan kelly | Jul 2, 2019
7-2-19 – The Devil’s Advocates – Hour 3
by bryan kelly | Jul 2, 2019
7-2-19 – The Devil’s Advocates – Hour 2