8-19-20 – The Devil’s Advocates – Hour 3

Happy Wednesday! LIVE #DNCConvention Devil’s lineup: @TomPerez at 3:30, James Santelle in the Happy hour at 5:00 on the Republican-led Senate Intelligence Committee latest release.. #YesCollusion! TALK 92.7 FM Talk 101.7 FM-Milwaukee NewsTalk 1510 AM...
8-18-20 – James Santelle, Former US Attorney

8-18-20 – James Santelle, Former US Attorney

Jim breaks down the Senate Intelligence Committee report and tells us once and for all if there was collusion.       Expert Opinions 8-18-20 – James Santelle, Former US Attorney Play Episode Pause Episode Mute/Unmute Episode Rewind 10 Seconds 1x Fast...

8-19-20 – The Devil’s Advocates – Hour 2

Happy Wednesday! LIVE #DNCConvention Devil’s lineup: @TomPerez at 3:30, James Santelle in the Happy hour at 5:00 on the Republican-led Senate Intelligence Committee latest release.. #YesCollusion! TALK 92.7 FM Talk 101.7 FM-Milwaukee NewsTalk 1510 AM...

8-19-20 – The Devil’s Advocates – Hour 1

Happy Wednesday! LIVE #DNCConvention Devil’s lineup: @TomPerez at 3:30, James Santelle in the Happy hour at 5:00 on the Republican-led Senate Intelligence Committee latest release.. #YesCollusion! TALK 92.7 FM Talk 101.7 FM-Milwaukee NewsTalk 1510 AM...