by bryan kelly | Oct 11, 2018
#Trump has Kayne West (and football legend James Brown) over to the White House for lunch and ranting, just another day in ‘Merica! Former U.S. Attorney James Santelle updates #MuellerTime sentencing, and helps sort out the new #KavanaughInvestigation at 3:30....
by bryan kelly | Oct 11, 2018
16 Wisconsin counties have Marijuana referendums on the ballot this Novermber, representing half of the electorate. Brian Seamonson from Madison NORML joins the Devils in studio to discuss the prospects of Legalizing Cannabis in the state. ...
by bryan kelly | Oct 11, 2018
#Trump has Kayne West (and football legend James Brown) over to the White House for lunch and ranting, just another day in ‘Merica! Former U.S. Attorney James Santelle updates #MuellerTime sentencing, and helps sort out the new #KavanaughInvestigation at 3:30....
by bryan kelly | Oct 11, 2018
#Trump has Kayne West (and football legend James Brown) over to the White House for lunch and ranting, just another day in ‘Merica! Former U.S. Attorney James Santelle updates #MuellerTime sentencing, and helps sort out the new #KavanaughInvestigation at 3:30....