by bryan kelly | Feb 2, 2021
The Four Horsemen of the Sedition met with Trump, Devil’s will do a dramatic reading of the events! Trump’s Impeachment defense-Inciting an Insurrection is constitutionally protected #FreeSpeech? WI Assembly Minority Leader Gordon Hintz talks GOP elimination of the...
by bryan kelly | Feb 2, 2021
Gordon has been talking to Republicans this week and lets the Devils know how it’s going. Interviews 2-2-21 – State Rep Gordon Hintz (D), Assembly Minority Leader Play Episode Pause Episode Mute/Unmute Episode Rewind 10 Seconds 1x...
by bryan kelly | Feb 2, 2021
The Four Horsemen of the Sedition met with Trump, Devil’s will do a dramatic reading of the events! Trump’s Impeachment defense-Inciting an Insurrection is constitutionally protected #FreeSpeech? WI Assembly Minority Leader Gordon Hintz talks GOP elimination of the...
by bryan kelly | Feb 2, 2021
The Four Horsemen of the Sedition met with Trump, Devil’s will do a dramatic reading of the events! Trump’s Impeachment defense-Inciting an Insurrection is constitutionally protected #FreeSpeech? WI Assembly Minority Leader Gordon Hintz talks GOP elimination of the...