by bryan kelly | Jun 17, 2020
#HumpDay! Details of John Bolton’s new Trump tell-all asks the important questions like: Why didn’t House Democrats Impeach him for ALL the crimes? Covid is spiking in the Red States and Mike Pence with bringing his “infectious” Christianity to Wisconsin next...
by bryan kelly | Jun 17, 2020
#HumpDay! Details of John Bolton’s new Trump tell-all asks the important questions like: Why didn’t House Democrats Impeach him for ALL the crimes? Covid is spiking in the Red States and Mike Pence with bringing his “infectious” Christianity to Wisconsin next...
by bryan kelly | Jun 17, 2020
#HumpDay! Details of John Bolton’s new Trump tell-all asks the important questions like: Why didn’t House Democrats Impeach him for ALL the crimes? Covid is spiking in the Red States and Mike Pence with bringing his “infectious” Christianity to Wisconsin next...