by bryan kelly | Dec 7, 2020
The #WarOverChristmas has begun at the Wisconsin has begun at the Capitol, Republicans have planted a non-permitted #HolidayTree, suck it Tony! Rudy is giving everyone Covid for Christmas, as Arizona and Michigan Legislators consider quarantine. Trump is rallying in...
by bryan kelly | Dec 7, 2020
The #WarOverChristmas has begun at the Wisconsin has begun at the Capitol, Republicans have planted a non-permitted #HolidayTree, suck it Tony! Rudy is giving everyone Covid for Christmas, as Arizona and Michigan Legislators consider quarantine. Trump is rallying in...
by bryan kelly | Dec 7, 2020
The #WarOverChristmas has begun at the Wisconsin has begun at the Capitol, Republicans have planted a non-permitted #HolidayTree, suck it Tony! Rudy is giving everyone Covid for Christmas, as Arizona and Michigan Legislators consider quarantine. Trump is rallying in...