by bryan kelly | Jun 1, 2020
The Devil’s Advocates – Monday 6/1/20 Back to work means back to the protest! Trump tells Governors to #Dominate the protesters, rings hollow from the same #LittleBitch that turned out the lights and hid in the basement this weekend! Alan Robinson, a...
by bryan kelly | Jun 1, 2020
Fred reacts to the nationwide protests and gives an idea of where we can attempt to go from here. Expert Opinions 6-1-20 - Fred Royal, President, NAACP Milwaukee Play Episode Pause Episode Mute/Unmute Episode Rewind 10 Seconds 1x Fast Forward 30...
by bryan kelly | Jun 1, 2020
The Devil’s Advocates – Monday 6/1/20 Back to work means back to the protest! Trump tells Governors to #Dominate the protesters, rings hollow from the same #LittleBitch that turned out the lights and hid in the basement this weekend! Alan Robinson, a...
by bryan kelly | Jun 1, 2020
The Devil’s Advocates – Monday 6/1/20 Back to work means back to the protest! Trump tells Governors to #Dominate the protesters, rings hollow from the same #LittleBitch that turned out the lights and hid in the basement this weekend! Alan Robinson, a...