by bryan kelly | Oct 26, 2020
The Number of the Day #8! Trumps Invade Wisconsin. Donald was in Waukesha Saturday, West Salem on Tuesday, Pence is spreading Covid in Mosinee…. Former Senator Dale Schultz at 2:30. The Dems are lining up to run against #RoJo! Your calls and texts all day...
by bryan kelly | Oct 26, 2020
The Number of the Day #8! Trumps Invade Wisconsin. Donald was in Waukesha Saturday, West Salem on Tuesday, Pence is spreading Covid in Mosinee…. Former Senator Dale Schultz at 2:30. The Dems are lining up to run against #RoJo! Your calls and texts all day...
by bryan kelly | Oct 26, 2020
The Number of the Day #8! Trumps Invade Wisconsin. Donald was in Waukesha Saturday, West Salem on Tuesday, Pence is spreading Covid in Mosinee…. Former Senator Dale Schultz at 2:30. The Dems are lining up to run against #RoJo! Your calls and texts all day...