11-4-21 – The Devil’s Advocates – Hour 2

Dr. Harvey Kaye, co-Devil’s and tells Dems whether they should panic, (YES!) Jenna Ryan, Realtor/domestic terrorist, gets 60 days in the hole. Corporations face a January 4 vaccine mandate. The Dems threaten to make a deal…#InfrastructureWeek continues. Calls/texts...

11-4-21 – The Devil’s Advocates – Hour 1

Dr. Harvey Kaye, co-Devil’s and tells Dems whether they should panic, (YES!) Jenna Ryan, Realtor/domestic terrorist, gets 60 days in the hole. Corporations face a January 4 vaccine mandate. The Dems threaten to make a deal…#InfrastructureWeek continues. Calls/texts...

8-18-21 – The Devil’s Advocates – Hour 3

Mask-mandate Eve Edition of the Devil’s Advocates. Trump is all over the Foxy News…did you miss him yet? Republicans will win the House, Impeach Biden (probably over Afghanistan), and then refuse to accept the Presidential election results, and then send the...

8-18-21 – The Devil’s Advocates – Hour 2

Mask-mandate Eve Edition of the Devil’s Advocates. Trump is all over the Foxy News…did you miss him yet? Republicans will win the House, Impeach Biden (probably over Afghanistan), and then refuse to accept the Presidential election results, and then send the...

8-18-21 – The Devil’s Advocates – Hour 1

Mask-mandate Eve Edition of the Devil’s Advocates. Trump is all over the Foxy News…did you miss him yet? Republicans will win the House, Impeach Biden (probably over Afghanistan), and then refuse to accept the Presidential election results, and then send the...