by bryan kelly | Jun 4, 2020
Jim Santelle fills in for Dom and Crute! Constructive conversations about what can be done to fix policing in the US AND an examination of US Supreme Court cases coming up! As marches continue during the unrest and a pandemic! Show Podcasts 6-4-20 – The Devil’s...
by bryan kelly | Jun 4, 2020
Jim Santelle fills in for Dom and Crute! Constructive conversations about what can be done to fix policing in the US AND an examination of US Supreme Court cases coming up! As marches continue during the unrest and a pandemic! Show Podcasts 6-4-20 – The Devil’s...
by bryan kelly | Jun 4, 2020
Jim Santelle fills in for Dom and Crute! Constructive conversations about what can be done to fix policing in the US AND an examination of US Supreme Court cases coming up! As marches continue during the unrest and a pandemic! Show Podcasts 6-4-20 – The Devil’s...