by bryan kelly | May 9, 2018
“Tell the truth and stand your ground, don’t let the bastards get you down!”-Kris Kristofrerson #Trump fixer Cohen funded pornstar #Stormy pay-off with Russian oligarch cash…#NOCOLLUSION!!!! Devil’s discuss bi-partisan gerrymandering...
by bryan kelly | May 9, 2018
“Tell the truth and stand your ground, don’t let the bastards get you down!”-Kris Kristofrerson #Trump fixer Cohen funded pornstar #Stormy pay-off with Russian oligarch cash…#NOCOLLUSION!!!! Devil’s discuss bi-partisan gerrymandering...
by bryan kelly | May 9, 2018
“Tell the truth and stand your ground, don’t let the bastards get you down!”-Kris Kristofrerson #Trump fixer Cohen funded pornstar #Stormy pay-off with Russian oligarch cash…#NOCOLLUSION!!!! Devil’s discuss bi-partisan gerrymandering...