by bryan kelly | Jul 8, 2020
Happy Hump Day! Is Donald Trump in coronavirus denial, or is the truth much worse? Should Joe Biden debate Donald Trump? Not without some pre-conditions… Columbus, WI voted to remove their Christopher Columbus statue, but what about the name of the town? Your calls...
by bryan kelly | Jul 8, 2020
Happy Hump Day! Is Donald Trump in coronavirus denial, or is the truth much worse? Should Joe Biden debate Donald Trump? Not without some pre-conditions… Columbus, WI voted to remove their Christopher Columbus statue, but what about the name of the town? Your calls...
by bryan kelly | Jul 8, 2020
Happy Hump Day! Is Donald Trump in coronavirus denial, or is the truth much worse? Should Joe Biden debate Donald Trump? Not without some pre-conditions… Columbus, WI voted to remove their Christopher Columbus statue, but what about the name of the town? Your calls...