by bryan kelly | Dec 1, 2020
Trump sues Wisconsin, Tony Evers, and Bucky Badger! #UnfairRecount! John Nygren, Republican JFC-Co-chair is OUT…(effective tomorrow!) Rudy is reportedly seeking a pre-emptive pardon, Guilliani denies, so we know it’s TRUE! Judge Chris Taylor joins us at 3:30 to...
by bryan kelly | Dec 1, 2020
The Honorable Judge Taylor weighs in (as much as a sitting judge can) on the flurry of lawsuits being presented by Republicans on a variety of issues. She also makes her case for election this spring. Interviews...
by bryan kelly | Dec 1, 2020
Trump sues Wisconsin, Tony Evers, and Bucky Badger! #UnfairRecount! John Nygren, Republican JFC-Co-chair is OUT…(effective tomorrow!) Rudy is reportedly seeking a pre-emptive pardon, Guilliani denies, so we know it’s TRUE! Judge Chris Taylor joins us at 3:30 to...
by bryan kelly | Dec 1, 2020
Trump sues Wisconsin, Tony Evers, and Bucky Badger! #UnfairRecount! John Nygren, Republican JFC-Co-chair is OUT…(effective tomorrow!) Rudy is reportedly seeking a pre-emptive pardon, Guilliani denies, so we know it’s TRUE! Judge Chris Taylor joins us at 3:30 to...
by bryan kelly | Jun 13, 2020
A pre-DPW interview with Rep Gordon Hintz Interviews 6-12-20 – State Rep Gordon Hintz (D), Assembly Minority Leader Play Episode Pause Episode Mute/Unmute Episode Rewind 10 Seconds 1x Fast Forward 30 seconds 00:00 / Subscribe Share RSS Feed Share Link Embed Download...