8-25-21 – The Devil’s Advocates – Hour 3

Devil’s Advocates-Day After Edition. MKE Mayor Tom Barrett is OUT, headed to Luxembourg. Numerous Republicans are dead or dying of Covid-19, but Democrats are #PureEvil if we call them out?!? Sen Ron Johnson’s solution? Try ALL the drugs! Your calls or texts...

8-25-21 – The Devil’s Advocates – Hour 2

Devil’s Advocates-Day After Edition. MKE Mayor Tom Barrett is OUT, headed to Luxembourg. Numerous Republicans are dead or dying of Covid-19, but Democrats are #PureEvil if we call them out?!? Sen Ron Johnson’s solution? Try ALL the drugs! Your calls or texts...

8-25-21 – The Devil’s Advocates – Hour 1

Devil’s Advocates-Day After Edition. MKE Mayor Tom Barrett is OUT, headed to Luxembourg. Numerous Republicans are dead or dying of Covid-19, but Democrats are #PureEvil if we call them out?!? Sen Ron Johnson’s solution? Try ALL the drugs! Your calls or texts...