by bryan kelly | Oct 14, 2020
Who is the Trumpiest Trumpster of ALL? Glenn “Ma, where is the meatloaf!” Grothmann Trump dances to the Village People’s #YMCA and proves he is a #MachoMan! 5th CD Congressional Tom Palzewicz, tells us Fitzy is to yellow-bellied to debate. Liz Hempowicz, Director of...
by bryan kelly | Oct 13, 2020
Who is the Trumpiest Trumpster of ALL? Glenn “Ma, where is the meatloaf!” Grothmann Trump dances to the Village People’s #YMCA and proves he is a #MachoMan! 5th CD Congressional Tom Palzewicz, tells us Fitzy is to yellow-bellied to debate. Liz Hempowicz, Director of...
by bryan kelly | Oct 13, 2020
Tom asks for your vote for the 5th CD and asks Scott Fitzgerald to gather the courage to debate him. Interviews 10-13-20 – Tom Palzewicz (D) – Candidate for 5th US CD Play Episode Pause Episode Mute/Unmute Episode Rewind 10 Seconds 1x Fast...
by bryan kelly | Oct 13, 2020
Who is the Trumpiest Trumpster of ALL? Glenn “Ma, where is the meatloaf!” Grothmann Trump dances to the Village People’s #YMCA and proves he is a #MachoMan! 5th CD Congressional Tom Palzewicz, tells us Fitzy is to yellow-bellied to debate. Liz Hempowicz, Director of...