6-24-21 – James Santelle, Former US Attorney

6-24-21 – James Santelle, Former US Attorney

6-24-21 – James Santelle, Former US Attorney Rudy Giuliani had his law license suspended. What a shame.       Expert Opinions 6-24-21 – James Santelle, Former US Attorney Play Episode Pause Episode Mute/Unmute Episode Rewind 10 Seconds 1x Fast Forward...

6-24-21 – The Devil’s Advocates – Hour 3

6-24-21 – The Devil’s Advocates – Hour 3 Happy Thursday! Biden announces a scaled-down, bi-partisan infrastructure deal, but it may not pass the Senate. Rudy Guiliani loses his New York law license, for telling the #BigLie! Michigan Republicans defend the integrity of...

6-24-21 – The Devil’s Advocates – Hour 2

6-24-21 – The Devil’s Advocates – Hour 2 Happy Thursday! Biden announces a scaled-down, bi-partisan infrastructure deal, but it may not pass the Senate. Rudy Guiliani loses his New York law license, for telling the #BigLie! Michigan Republicans defend the integrity of...

6-24-21 – The Devil’s Advocates – Hour 1

6-24-21 – The Devil’s Advocates – Hour 1 Happy Thursday! Biden announces a scaled-down, bi-partisan infrastructure deal, but it may not pass the Senate. Rudy Guiliani loses his New York law license, for telling the #BigLie! Michigan Republicans defend the integrity of...

4-21-21 – The Devil’s Advocates – Hour 3

A Whopper of a Wednesday-Devil’s Advocates Radio Show. Former U.S. Attorney, James Santelle, discusses all things legal at 2:30. #VegasJoe Zepecki at 3:30. #WI Assembly Minority Leader, Gordon Hintz talking #FoxCONn and the #NewDeal at 4:05. Native Roots Radio Host,...