by bryan kelly | Oct 16, 2020
Attorney Matt Flynn is our guest Devil, we will talk all things Biden and the dueling Town Halls Thursday tonight. Gold Star father Khizr Khan, talks Trump at 2:30 CT. Former U.S. Attorney, James Santelle, talks Coney Barrett, the “Unmasking”, and preparing for a...
by bryan kelly | Oct 15, 2020
Attorney Matt Flynn is our guest Devil, we will talk all things Biden and the dueling Town Halls Thursday tonight. Gold Star father Khizr Khan, talks Trump at 2:30 CT. Former U.S. Attorney, James Santelle, talks Coney Barrett, the “Unmasking”, and preparing for a...
by bryan kelly | Oct 15, 2020
Attorney Matt Flynn is our guest Devil, we will talk all things Biden and the dueling Town Halls Thursday tonight. Gold Star father Khizr Khan, talks Trump at 2:30 CT. Former U.S. Attorney, James Santelle, talks Coney Barrett, the “Unmasking”, and preparing for a...