by bryan kelly | Jun 29, 2020
Stormy Monday Edition of the Devil’s Advocates! Treasonous Trump, what did he know and when did he know it?!? Matt Flynn, joins the Devil’s to discuss Putin’s bitch, and prior DNC Conventions. Planned Parenthood of WI’s, Mel Barnes, joins us at 4:05 to discuss the...
by bryan kelly | Jun 29, 2020
Stormy Monday Edition of the Devil’s Advocates! Treasonous Trump, what did he know and when did he know it?!? Matt Flynn, joins the Devil’s to discuss Putin’s bitch, and prior DNC Conventions. Planned Parenthood of WI’s, Mel Barnes, joins us at 4:05 to discuss the...
by bryan kelly | Jun 29, 2020
Stormy Monday Edition of the Devil’s Advocates! Treasonous Trump, what did he know and when did he know it?!? Matt Flynn, joins the Devil’s to discuss Putin’s bitch, and prior DNC Conventions. Planned Parenthood of WI’s, Mel Barnes, joins us at 4:05 to discuss the...