by bryan kelly | Jun 16, 2020
Devil’s are back and better than ever! Trump bans the chokehold, unless cops really want to… Coronavirus would disappear if we just stopped testing…magically, Trump opines. Who ordered the Code Red at Governor’s Evers office? Is Evers harboring a felon?...
by bryan kelly | Jun 16, 2020
Devil’s are back and better than ever! Trump bans the chokehold, unless cops really want to… Coronavirus would disappear if we just stopped testing…magically, Trump opines. Who ordered the Code Red at Governor’s Evers office? Is Evers harboring a felon?...
by bryan kelly | Jun 16, 2020
Devil’s are back and better than ever! Trump bans the chokehold, unless cops really want to… Coronavirus would disappear if we just stopped testing…magically, Trump opines. Who ordered the Code Red at Governor’s Evers office? Is Evers harboring a felon?...