by bryan kelly | May 14, 2020
Welcome to the ‘You Gotta Fight for Your Right to Party Wisconsin Edition’ of the Devil’s Advocates Radio Show! As the #WI Supreme Court practices some #JudicialActivism and throws the State into #Chaos, Republicans go running to the bar… #WI Attorney...
by bryan kelly | May 14, 2020
Welcome to the ‘You Gotta Fight for Your Right to Party Wisconsin Edition’ of the Devil’s Advocates Radio Show! As the #WI Supreme Court practices some #JudicialActivism and throws the State into #Chaos, Republicans go running to the bar… #WI Attorney...
by bryan kelly | May 14, 2020
AG Kaul reacts to the most recent WI Supreme court ruling against the Governor’s authority to issue stay-at-home orders. Expert Opinions 5-14-19 – Josh Kaul, WI Attorney General Play Episode Pause Episode Mute/Unmute Episode Rewind 10...
by bryan kelly | May 14, 2020
Welcome to the ‘You Gotta Fight for Your Right to Party Wisconsin Edition’ of the Devil’s Advocates Radio Show! As the #WI Supreme Court practices some #JudicialActivism and throws the State into #Chaos, Republicans go running to the bar… #WI Attorney...
by bryan kelly | Jul 9, 2019
7-9-19 – The Devil’s Advocates – Hour 3