by bryan kelly | May 17, 2021
Devil’s Advocates #Dom in Madison-Monday! Let the Post-Pandemic party begin. #WI State Sen Kelda Roys joins at 4:05 to discuss Supreme Court taking another stab at Roe vs. Wade. #Batman, Matt Rothschild, from the Wisconsin Democracy Campaign talks Fair Maps and...
by bryan kelly | May 17, 2021
The US Supreme Court has decided to take up a case that may open up to a possible repeal of Roe v Wade. Interviews 5-17-21 – Kelda Roys – WI State Senator, 26th SD (D) Play Episode Pause Episode Mute/Unmute Episode Rewind 10 Seconds 1x Fast...
by bryan kelly | May 17, 2021
Devil’s Advocates #Dom in Madison-Monday! Let the Post-Pandemic party begin. #WI State Sen Kelda Roys joins at 4:05 to discuss Supreme Court taking another stab at Roe vs. Wade. #Batman, Matt Rothschild, from the Wisconsin Democracy Campaign talks Fair Maps and...
by bryan kelly | May 17, 2021
Devil’s Advocates #Dom in Madison-Monday! Let the Post-Pandemic party begin. #WI State Sen Kelda Roys joins at 4:05 to discuss Supreme Court taking another stab at Roe vs. Wade. #Batman, Matt Rothschild, from the Wisconsin Democracy Campaign talks Fair Maps and...
by bryan kelly | Jan 16, 2019
Happy Hump Day! @speakerpelosi tells @realdonaldtrump to postpone #stateoftheunion, or deliver it in writing. Crayons work? John @NicholsUprising joins us at 3:00 to talk about Trump lack of love for the workers! #trumpshutdown continues, @VP Pence says ISIS...